by shanna cooper

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Cinnamon Tahini Honey Butter

I slather this on everything. Keep it in the refrigerator and the butter will stay perfectly swipe-able for toast, apples, celery, you name it. This keeps for months, but it won’t last that long. If it's going on your toast, garnish with a sprinkle of salt.

— 4 oz salted butter (one stick)
— 3 oz tahini (about 1/3 cup), I use Seed + Mill because the founder is a friend and the product is unparalleled
— 1.5 oz honey (2 tbsp) or more/less depending on your sweet tooth
— A few dashes of cinnamon
— A pinch of salt

In a medium bowl, melt the butter. Whisk in the tahini, honey, cinnamon and salt until combined. Transfer to a jar with a lid and refrigerate until solidified.